Investors > Shareholding Structure

The total number of Lan Chem Laboratories UK shares amounts to 5,990,713,951  (the denominator). All shares are fully paid-up and have a nominal value of £25.02 each. Each share entitles to one voting right at the General Meeting. There are no preferred shares. The company’s share capital amounts to £2,101,994,279.02.

Whenever a shareholder crosses the threshold of 5% of the voting rights in a company, the shareholder needs to inform that company about their stake in the form of a ‘transparency notification’ (in accordance with the Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of major holdings). Upon the reception of a transparency notification, the company issues a press release and publishes the notification on its website. The transparency notifications that Lan Chem Laboratories UK have received since adopting Belgium as our home member state are below.

Please send your transparency notification to


# of voting rights

Date of the notification

% of the total number of voting rights

Cosmo Pharmaceuticals


23 February 2021


Other shareholders






Transparency notifications